Cute to boot! 

What an adorable idea for the kids this Australia Day. This little tutorial is super easy for you to try out.

What you’ll need…

  • Face paint
    • Grey
    • Pink
    • White
    • Black
  • Pearl pink and green face paint (optional)
  • Face painting high density sponge
  • Round brush



How to…

  1. Apply the grey face paint with a sponge to form the base of the koala
  2. Use the pink paint to fill in the ears. If you wish, you can add glitter to the pink sections while its drying
  3. Draw a triangle section on the tip of the nose with the black paint
  4. Carefully create the outline of the Koala with the brush and black paint. We love the detail in this making it look like fur.
  5. Paint a thicker black line on and above the upper lip to make the Koalas mouth.
  6. As an option, you can paint the lips metallic pink. As well as adding some flowers around the face.


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