BB-8 Recipe for the kids!

These. Look. Amazing! We have to be honest, we haven’t had a chance to make them (yet!) but we still had to share them. How fun do they look? PERFECT little snacks for your next Star Wars party!

What you’ll need…

  • 2 flour tortillas (soft taco size)
  • 2 oz cream cheese
  • 2 cheddar cheese slices
  • 1 cup shredded cheese blend
  • black food colouring
  • ziplock bag
  • white wine glass
  • pairing knife

droid-quesadilla-star wars party

How to… 

  1. Mix your softened cream cheese with some black food colouring until it becomes a silvery/grey colour
  2. Turn a ziplock bag inside out over your hand and scoop up the silver cream cheese (leaving some in the bowl for later)
  3. Turn the bag right side in and press the cream cheese mixture into one corner of the bag.
  4. With scissors, cut the corner of the sandwich bag off so that you have a small hole from which you can pipe the cream cheese. The smaller the better.
  5. Add more black food colouring to the reserved silver grey cream cheese until you get a jet black colour.

(continues below)

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For the decorations…

  1. Take a cheddar cheese slice and place it on a cutting board. Invert your wine glass and use it to cut a solid circle in the centre of the slice.
  2. Take that solid circle of cheese and with a pairing knife freehand another small circle in the middle
  3. With your pairing knife, cut four concentric sections from the inside hole leaving four small interior spokes. This will form the center mechanism of your droid’s body.
  4. Take your other slice of cheddar cheese and place it on the cutting board. Invert your wine glass and use it to cut a solid circle in the center of the second slice.
  5. Take that second solid circle of cheese and with a pairing knife cut it into four equal pie pieces.
  6. With your pairing knife, cut the rounded edge of each pie piece forming four equal quarter rounds, about the same thickness of your centre mechanism piece. These will form the four side pieces of your droid’s body.



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